What is Self Power?
She will rise with a spine of steal and a roar like thunder. She will rise.
— Nicole Lyons
What is Self Power? I believe self-power refers to an individual’s innate strength, resilience, and ability to take control of their own life and choices. It is the inner capacity to believe in oneself, make decisions, and take actions that align with one’s values and goals.
Self-power encompasses several aspects, including:
1. Self-belief: Having confidence in one’s abilities and talents, and trusting oneself to overcome challenges and achieve success.
2. Self-awareness: Understanding one’s strengths, weaknesses, values, and emotions. Self-awareness allows individuals to make informed decisions and take actions that align with their authentic selves. Find how to live more authentically by reading 10 Powerful Questions to Live Authentically
3. Self-motivation: Cultivating the internal drive to pursue goals and aspirations, even in the face of obstacles or setbacks. Self-motivated individuals are able to stay focused, persevere, and maintain a positive mindset.
4. Self-empowerment: Taking responsibility for one’s own life and choices. Self-empowered individuals recognize that they have the power to shape their own destiny and actively seek opportunities for personal growth and development.
5. Self-care: Prioritizing one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Self-power involves taking care of oneself, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care activities that recharge and rejuvenate. Grab the FREE 30 Day Self Care Challenge with daily tips.
Ultimately, self-power is about tapping into one’s inner strength and resources to create a life that is fulfilling, meaningful, and aligned with one’s true self. It is an ongoing journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment.
XO, M 
+See Personal Growth
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