This Month: Alignment
Welcome to October the start of the last quarter of the year. Also fall season, a great time to go inwards and prepare for the year ahead. This is why I have decided to focus on ALIGNMENT. How can we look at where we were, where we are, and how to create the life we want.
Throughout this month, I will share here on the blog, on social and on the Newsletter, ways to get clear on what you want, how do you want to show up in the world & assess which areas need improvement, so you can step into your Aligned Goddess Self and start your creative journey.
In order move through this process there are some preparations to be made. You will have to be open and receptive to go inwards, to explore yourself, to ask questions, to clean out your life, lovingly discarding any outdated habits, thoughts, situations and people that no longer resonate with the highest truth of the being you want to become.
The next few posts will be exercises, journal prompts or affirmations so you can step into Alignment fully. However, if you want a deeper dive, make sure to sign up for The Goddess Flow, our newsletter. Inside you will find additional resources to help guide you on your journey.
With Love,
M 💋
Check out my AMAZON page where I share Spiritual Glam & Noteworthy Secrets to live in Goddess Glow | These are my favorite brands to keep my life in style, aging gracefully and soul aligned….I hope it serves you too! (I do earn a small commission on every sale in my store)