The Uncomfortable Journey to Alignment
During Alignment, the old, outdated parts of ourselves are dying
Solara 11:11
The path to getting in Alignment is not easy, it can be very lonely and painful. Aligment is not found overnight on a trip to Bali or flying to a monastery or in Tulum at the beach. The journey to alignment is uncomfortable. One of reflection, forgiveness, acceptance and understanding.
Alignment & Conditioning
We have been conditioned all our lives to feel, live, think and belief what society, our peers, parents, and everyone around us tell us. This have created sub-conscious patterns that are ruling our lives for survival, safety, and acceptance.
It’s not until our critical thinking and higher self-consciousness come into play that we start questioning and dismantling these patterns. Usually this happens when we are in a position of discomfort or desire to move forward to an uplevel or to get out of being stuck. I call these “deaths”.
Alignment, Death Processes & Radical Self Acceptance
Whenever you find yourself in a midst of a “death process”, meaning, ready to move forward to a higher version of yourself and leave your old self behind, it is important to stay with it, even if it’s hard and professional help is needed. Why? It is required if you want to become aligned. You cannot live a different way or try to do something different in your life if you don’t realize where you are starting from and what is it you want to shed or leave behind.
The first step is realizing the role you have played in creating your current reality. You painfully must take responsibility of who you have been to be where you are now. Because the truth is, you have allowed yourself to be where you are. This realization is no joke, this is at times painful, and you must fully acknowledge the energies and emotions that come with this realization. You must embrace the journey of radical self-acceptance.
In the process of radical self-acceptance, you must compassionately and lovingly forgive and at the same time give thanks to your old self, because all the experiences lived have taken you here, into a higher consciousness. In the midst of grieving for what is dying away from you and your life, focus on the fact that you are simply clearing the space for that which is in more perfect alignment with the highest truth of your being.
“Death” processes are never fun or easy, but if we allow ourselves to understand them, we can pass through them quickly. Whenever I have been in these processes, I turn inward and practice mindfulness. I open myself to feel the emotions, to accept why I made the choices that have put me in the situation and then forgive myself in order to move forward. Reflection and journaling have always been my best allies.

Alignment & Knowing where you are
Therefore, one of the most important steps to Alignment is reflecting on where you are at this moment. Do the following exercise:
Grab your favorite journal and a pen and write down the following 7 areas of life: Personal Growth, Health, Family & Friends, Love, Fun & Leisure, Spirituality, Career & Finance.
Rate how are you performing or how do you feel with each of these areas with 1 being low and 10 being great.
Now reflect why are you low in some areas and great in others and which area you want to improve.
Use the following journal prompts for each area. Write without judgement, letting your truth come out. Remember if you want to achieve a life in alignment, honesty is key in this exercise.
- What do you fear the most here?
- Describe a choice you regret. What did you learn from it?
- What three changes can be made to keep improvement here?
- What are three important things you have learned so far in this area?
- Does the thought of improving this area drains you? If so, why? How can you be open and flexible to work in small steps of improvement?
- What are your strengths in this area?
- Describe your favorite thing of this area.
- What type of boundaries need to be set here to protect your well-being?
- What aspects of this area are you most grateful for?
- What do you most look forward to in the future?
By taking the time to understand, accept and know where you are at the moment in each area of your life will make it easier to create and build the foundation of the NEW by organizing your life into greater efficiency to support your highest self.
Take time to nourish yourself in whatever ways are needed. Incorporate into your daily schedule things that bring you pleasure. Check out my post called 10 Simple Acts of Self Care You can do Daily, with simple ideas to nourish your mind, body and soul.
Other ways can be as simple as a walk in nature, a bubble bath, lighting a candle. Anything that makes your heart warm and fuzzy. Make sure to use my Spa at Home or Wellness for the Body lists in Amazon to start your journey. These are my noteworthy secrets to help me achieve Alignment.
If you want to receive the Wheel of Life with Journal Prompts for each area of your life, sign up for my NEWSLETTER.
I hope this serves you to start the journey to Alignment. Stay tuned next week where we keep working our way to living our best life.
With love,
M 💋
Check out my AMAZON page where I share Spiritual Glam & Noteworthy Secrets to live in Goddess Glow | These are my favorite brands to keep my life in style, aging gracefully and soul aligned….I hope it serves you too! (I do earn a small commission on every sale in my store)