“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
—Eckhart Tolle
Welcome November, a time of gratitude, reflection and a time to share with the family. Since this month is centered in giving thanks, I have chosen the theme of Gratitude.
As I sit here watching the amazing Miami sunset, I am reminded to be thankful for life. The end of each day signals the close of a chapter and the potential for a new one. Being grateful for what we have allows us to experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.
Sometimes I have to remind myself to take time and feel thankful. Even when the day has not gone according to what I have planned, there is space for gratefulness. And I remind myself this on times when it’s really difficult to feel grateful. But I understand, that is exactly the challenge and part of the lesson to growth.
In a world stuffed with material goods, sometimes we might feel challenged to just feel grateful in our own space with our own possessions and the simple things in life. We just have to remind ourselves to look around and find what brings us feelings of joy and thankfulness. Those moments are the ones that fill our hearts with the feeling of gratitude!
So for this month, you will find the majority of the posts centered on Gratitude and how to incorporate this practice to help us find harmony in our busy lives.
When I look at the setting sun, I see a promise for a new day that is even brighter than the current one. I await what life has in store for me in happy anticipation. Experiencing the rotation of the sun reminds me to live my life to the fullest and I hope its a reminder for you too.
M 💋