Using Shadow Work to Live in Alignment
We do not manifest from our thoughts; we manifest from our subconscious mind – Lacy Phillips I know Lacy Phillips was not the first one to come up with that quote, but she made a career teaching people how to deepen the understanding of that quote. Which is what brings…
The Uncomfortable Journey to Alignment
During Alignment, the old, outdated parts of ourselves are dying Solara 11:11 The path to getting in Alignment is not easy, it can be very lonely and painful. Aligment is not found overnight on a trip to Bali or flying to a monastery or in Tulum at the beach. The…
Connect to Your Intuition
In 1995 I bought a book called The Artist Way by Julia Cameron (find it here), it was a jewel of a book that the author wrote to help blocked artist reconnect to their creative intuition. One of the exercises in the book was to write Morning Pages, 3 pages…