Audit Your Life to Up-Level
“Nothing will work unless you do.”
Maya Angelou
Do you have a clear picture of what you want your life to look like? Have you made a life audit to find which areas you want to upgrade? Are you ready to welcome the absolute best?
When you decide to Up-Level, you are telling the Universe that you are in charge and ready to live to your full potential. It’s reclaiming your power. This mindset shift will make you feel elevated, connected to your authentic self and therefore you will magnetize all you want.
During the month of January we will be working together to Up-level. This series of blog posts will be weekly challenges that will help you audit your life, create your vision, detoxify, tap into your Goddess energy and start moving towards the life you deserve!
The first step to Up-Level is know where you are at the moment. I have created a FREE resource for you that you can download and print. It’s called The Wheel of Life and it helps you assess the major life areas. This way you will know how to move forward and what needs to be tweaked or let go in order to receive and create the life you want. All you need to do is Subscribe to my weekly newsletter and you will automatically get access to that amazing resource.
After you download The Wheel of Life, grab a journal (you can buy them here) a glass of champagne 🥂 (or your favorite beverage) and answer the following questions as honest as possible:
- What does Up-Leveling mean to you?
- How are you feeling right now? Physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially?
- How do you maintain balance in your life? Are there any changes you need to make?
- What does it mean to live an authentic life?
- Which of the wheel categories would you most like to Up-Level?
- Which life area most needs your attention?
- Where are you getting in your own way when it comes to Up-leveling your life?
- If you secretly knew what you needed to do, what would that be? (Remember you don’t have to do it just because you speak it aloud, but by speaking it aloud, we courageously face the truth and can decide next steps!)
- If there was one key action that could bring everything into more balance, what would it be?
- What will you do today or in the next 24 hours to start Up-Leveling?
- How will you be able to prove/show you’ve completed your action?
- What was your biggest win of this exercise?
The principle behind the Wheel of Life assessment is that all of the fundamental categories of life are important and require our attention.
We all tend to be more proficient in certain categories than others. As a general rule, we spend more time and attention on our areas of proficiency while neglecting our areas of weakness. This simple assessment will help you take action steps to make improvements and Up-Level.

Now let’s DREAM BIG! The next few steps are powerful visualizations of what you want your life to look like.
- Use the Wheel of Life and journal everything you want to accomplish and Up-Level in each area – nothing is off-limits for what you are capable of achieving in the new year.
- Try “Future You” scripting: Scripting manifestation is a technique used to manifest goals by writing about the time after you’ve successfully reached your goal/Uplevel. By writing as if your goals have already been attained, not only do they feel more accessible, but you can also discover new insights into how to manifest them.
- Make a Vision Board: Vision Boards are way easier to make now and way cooler. Long are the days of using poster board. You can DIY an aesthetic collage, or keep it digital and make a Pinterest board. Make sure to focus on the FEELING more than the material. This will access your subconscious mind and help reprogram it.
This year I made a Wall paper for my iPhone so every time I tap on it, the collage is there for me to see, which helps me connect to what I want my life to be. I am also printing it and gluing it to the first page of my bullet journal, a great tool for scripting, writing affirmations, and visualizing.
I believe in the power of affirmations. I have mentioned it in my Blog, in my Ig stories, even in my Ig posts. One tool I use is the Affirmation Pod by Josie Ong. This podcast offers numerous affirmations episodes depending on what you want to focus on. My favorite is episode 100: I love Myself. Find one that resonates with you.
Another option is creating your own or using the following examples:
- I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing
- I live my life authentically
- Alife of abundance is my birthright
- I am grateful for my life
- I love and respect myself
I have become an incredible manifestor, even when I had no idea what manifesting was. However, I always find time to improve myself to keep growing. These days it’s all about manifesting my new career in Spiritual Coaching, Neural Manifestation and Human Design.
I have been listening to this inspiring 1956 video from Earl Nightingale, an American radio speaker and author, dealing mostly with the subjects of human character development, motivation, and meaningful existence.
I suggest you take 30 minutes of your day and listen. If you pay close attention, it will help you in your journey of Upleveling and Manifestation.
This week is all about assessment and visualization. Remember, when moving forward don’t try to tackle everything at once. Small steps lead to HUGE transformations. You can focus on One area to Up-level or simply divide and spread them by the quarters of the year. However you decide to do this, the most important thing is to start and stay consistent.
Stay tuned next week where we will work on detoxifying and clearing your: mind, body, soul and home.
Leave me your comments below and remember to SHARE this post with your friends and family!
With Love, M 💋
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