Detox Your Mind, Body and Soul
The power of your thoughts determines the quality of your life
Bob Proctor
Do you know why I started with this simple and yet powerful quote? Because if you want to truly Up-Level, you need to not only assess where you are, but take the important step of detox your mind, body and soul.
Every human has the ability to live an amazing, satisfying life. A life of health, vitality, wealth, love, confidence, community. In order to shift and quantum leap from where you are now, to where you want to be, you must have a true desire to Up-Level.
First Step is making an audit of where you are. If you are new to my blog, you can find an article showing you step by step on how to make that audit HERE. It includes a freebie called The Wheel of Life so you can print and really take the time to make your assessment.
Second Step: DETOX. Let’s get to it now. This step is truly important. I will list a few things you can start doing now, that will help detox your mind, body and soul and I am including bonus exercise to help you focus everyday. Are you ready for the challenge?
What can you eliminate from your calendar that does not live up with the person you want to be and the life you want to live? For example: instead of going to Happy Hour with friends, maybe you can read that book or work on that thing you want to get better at. Sometimes we say yes to certain activities because we want to people please. Start saying no!
To do this you must implement systems that will free up more mind and calendar space. Use your phone, agenda or any calendar that you feel drawn to, to organize the areas of your life that need more help.
When you start saying no to activities, places, things and people that no longer serve you, you start magnetizing those that will help you Up-Level.
The same concept as above. Let’s take the next week to assess your home and choose one area of your home per day that you can declutter. Do this with the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, living/family rooms, dining room, garage (if you have one).
Go through closets, shelves, drawers and donate, gift or throw away any item that do not fit or represent the Up-Level version of YOU. By freeing up physical space you are energetically making space to receive what you truly desire.
I’m not a nutritionist but you and I know that eating high fiber fruits and veggies supports your body detoxification process. Instead of having coffee first thing in the morning why don’t you for the next week, try one of my favorite rituals? Warm water with fresh lemon. Lemon water hydrates the body and, especially first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, is an effective way to stimulate the metabolism.
Besides this simple ritual, I also prepare a smoothie that acts as my first breakfast before I hit the gym. It has one cup of berries, my super greens and other ingredients I use to maintain my skin & gut in working order and aging gracefully. You can find those items in my Amazon Shop Lists under Wellness for the Body.
We all have one, two or several habits we know are not serving us. Bad habits interrupt our life and prevent us from accomplishing our goals. They jeopardize our health — both mentally and physically. And they waste our time and energy. So how to break it?
Surround yourself with people who live the way you want to live. You don’t need to ditch your old friends, but don’t underestimate the power of finding some new ones.
Reframe the situation. So often you think that to break bad habits, you need to become an entirely new person when in fact we just need to return to the old version of us. For example: you were a non-smoker before you smoke. You just need to get back to your old non smoking version.
Pump up the self talk. Use the word “but” to overcome negative self talk. For example I am fat and out of shape but I can get in shape in a few months.
This last one is of upmost importance and I encourage you to write it down on your phone notes, on a post-it or anywhere that will allow you to see it and read it several times a day.
Keep it simple, make it personal and positive. This phrase will help on your Up-Level journey. It can be a reminder of the work you are doing and who you want to become.
Some examples: I open myself to Abundance, I am peace, I will let go of what does not serve me, Everyday is a new opportunity, I can do great things, I am a work in progress and a masterpiece at the same time.
I hope you can start your journey of detoxifying your mind, body and soul today. Please leave me your comments below and share this post with your family and friends that are also in their personal growth journey.
Up-Leveling your life will bring you closer to Alignment which in turn will manifest your best life. Stay tuned next week where we will explore Optimizing our mindset!
With Love, M 💋