5 Journal Prompts to Help you Let Go
Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go.
As we approach the end of the year and the start of a new one, it’s important to take the time to contemplate what direction we want to go moving forward. A new year is a great opportunity to focus on new goals, massive potentials are opening but you need to plant the seeds now. However, you want to plan the right seed, not old ones that have not given you any fruit.
This means you will have to sit back and evaluate what is not working and clear the weeds from your garden: Let them go!
Can’t grow without letting go, amiga!
We need to ask ourselves if what we are doing is in alignment with our highest and best self and our goals? Well friend, is it in alignment?
Remember that letting go is NOT easy but necessary.
If you are having a hard time letting go use the following prompts to help you find your way:
I suggest grabbing a glass of your favorite beverage (mine is champagne or ginger tea) and a beautiful journal that will inspire you to write. If you don’ have one, no worries, you can find one HERE and get to the following questions:
#1. Does this [insert person, situation or memory of an event] serve me anymore? If yes, how so?
#2. Why am I finding it so hard to move on from this and letting go?
#3. What emotions does this event or memory trigger in me?
#4. Has this affected other areas of my life? How so?
#5. Has this affected how I treat others or approach situations? How so?
Today, I want to invite you to do this exercise…go in, contemplate to find the answers and also find where does the [insert person, situation or memory of an event] dynamics came from. This is key in letting go.
As I have mentioned before: your subconscious mind control 95% of your life. So make sure to look deeper in question #2.
Sometimes we find it hard to move on and let go because it’s the broken parts in us that keeps us there. Until we heal the wounds of our past we will continue to “bleed in many different ways”. Find the wound, accept it, forgive it, release it.
If you are ready to move into the highest and best version of yourself and work in subconscious reprogramming and spiritual connection, I invite you to book a 1:1 session with me. It will be an honor to work together
✨ Raise Your Vibe ✨ Align ✨ Manifest
With Love, M 💋

My brand spakin’ new podcast NEURO SOUL SYNC is about to launch! I am so excited and will love for you to join me in this journey. On Instagram I always share my process of creating this amazing project with my coach Stefanie Gass. You can come be part of this journey by subscribing to the newsletter! This way I can keep you updated on Launch date! SUBSCRIBE HERE