10 Simple Acts of Self Care You can do Daily
As we approach the last quarter of 2023, I decided to dedicate September’s theme to Self Care. It goes without saying that self-care is essential. Not only for mental health but to achieve harmony in all aspects in our life. After all, taking care of our mind, body and soul brings happiness, joy and love. Remember, treat yourself as you want to be treated. Something I learned in my 40’s, better late than never!
As we approach Fall, the season of letting go, we must prepare ourselves for the changes we want to create in the upcoming months. Below find 10 simple acts of self care that you can do daily.
Cultivating an aligned and happy life begins by designing a beautiful soul! I hope the following tips serve you in your journey.
- Gratitude: the simple act of writing or saying 1-3 things you are grateful for every morning and night will shift your energy in a positive mood and will bring perspective in life. Plus, its true what the sages say: an attitude of gratitude is the first step to manifest more of what you desire in life.
- Affirmations: whatever you are going through now, find a powerful mantra that will help you in moving one step forward. For example, when I needed to step in my self worth, I listen/used the following affirmation: “I love Myself, I love who I’ve become, I love who I’m becoming” and you know what? It is my morning affirmation now and it helped me to reconnect to the wonderful human I am.
- Drink Water: your body will thank you….and so will your skin! A trick? Always carry a bottle of water of around 20oz with you, refilling it! Need a reminder? There’s an app for that! I use Waterllama
- De-clutter Your Mind: I call this Brain Dump and it only takes 5-10 minutes. You can do this any time of the day. The goal is to clear your thoughts and free write without judgement. Just write anything you feel or comes to mind. Why? Because you are what you think. You create your reality depending on the thoughts you have. So, grab a journal, your favorite pen, your selenite or rose quartz crystal, light a delicious candle or if you prefer diffuse your favorite essential oil and write. This will help re-frame your thoughts over and over until it become natural to shift your thoughts to positive ones.
“Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.” — Katrina Mayer
- Social Media Detox: it might sound like a punishment; but if it does, there’s a really good chance you need one. Besides all the chemical and physical negative aspects that have been proven about Social Media, which I am sure you have read and heard about, the truth is that it is a time sucker. One scroll can turn into hours and then you wonder why your just don’t have the time to write the 5 pages for you r next book or assignment. The best thing is to turn your phone off, or put it to charge or silence. Take an hour break or two. Focus on another activity. You will start to feel better and productive which in turn, will bring more alignment and harmony to your life.
- Connect with Nature: No matter where you live, take a walk outside and connect with your surroundings, Enjoy the view of the sky and the sun, the trees, the ocean, mountains. It’s beneficial for your health, reduces stress and you will feel that you are one with a global consciousness.
- Spa Day at Home: What is one thing you can do for yourself every day at home? I love face, lips, eye, hair masks. This only takes 10-15 minutes and trust me you will feel fantastic! Another idea? Use a shower bomb or bath bomb when you bathe. Light a soothing candle or incense when you come home from work. Diffuse your favorite essential oil. All of these are ways to prioritize your beautiful self!

- Exercise Daily: well, this is one is self-explanatory, and you know the amazing benefits of exercise. You do not need an expensive gym membership, nowadays there are plenty of apps and you tube videos that will help in getting your body moving. Need motivation? Ask a friend to be your accountability partner.
- Read a Book or Listen to a Podcast: whether you want to keep learning and growing your skills or want to escape to a great adventure, reading not only helps in reducing stress but also helps in being more mindful.
- Meditate: it will help lower your blood pressure, but so much more: it can help your creativity, your intuition, your connection with your inner self. Do you think you can’t meditate? Take 5 minutes and just sit and listen to soothing music. If you get distracted, go back to the sound of music, and breathe. This is a good start to being mindfully present. Once you are ready to extend those 5 minutes and work your way up. There is no right or wrong way to meditation. The point is to enjoy the present moment.
Now that you have these 10 Simple Acts of Self Care You can do Daily, I invite you to start implementing them in your daily routine. They don’t need to feel like work, they should be fun! Start with one Self Care ritual you can add now and work your way up to 10. You will find that life becomes more harmonious, happier and you will feel your connection with your inner-self getting stronger, therefore raising your self love and self-worth.
Need some ideas on implementing these tips? Below find the items that help me put all of these into practice:
- Gratitude/De-clutter Your Mind: These are my favorite journals: https://amzn.to/3EIBtJF
- Spa Day at Home: Discover some of my favorite items to make my home a sanctuary:
- Doterra Essential Oils. Use my personal link and unlock 25% OFF for an entire year: https://referral.doterra.me/14654597
- My Amazon favorites: https://amzn.to/3EJLOF2
- Books: I have many favorite books, but I will give you a list of the latest ones I have read and I hope they serve you: https://amzn.to/3Ro54zs
Wishing all of these serve in making your days happier!
With Love,
M 💋

FREE 30 Day Self Care Challenge
Keep your self care journey going with this simple but powerful workbook!
Inside you will find 30 days of ideas for Self Care, journal prompts to help you activate your mindfulness and affirmations that will make you feel more confident.