10 Powerful Questions to Live Authentically
Authenticity: the courage to be yourself
From the time we’re young, we’re told to be someone else.:
Be smarter, like her…Be well-behaved, like him…Speak up, quiet down, study this, don’t go there, work harder, take it easy…Do…Do…DO!
It’s like living in a cage. We desperately want to break out. To be free. To let our true selves shine forth. To discover our authentic selves and develop a healthy self-concept. To stop living someone else’s life and start OUR lives.
But we don’t know how.
We feel stuck. Caged. Imprisoned by fear of others. This month, as I go through this process with you, we will burn every rulebook and get crystal clear on who we are and how we want to show up in the world.
All the articles will be exercises to help you step into your power, discover your true essence and create YOUR most desirable life.
Use the following questions to make an assessment of where you are at the moment and where you want to be. Get your journal ready and answer them as honest as you can. The only way this is going to work is if you really open up with yourself despite of how painful the process might be. Allow your soul to guide you. We have to peel the layers off so we can get that Authentic version out in the world.
Side note: if you want to do deeper work you can read my post Using Shadow Work to Live in Alignment
10 Powerful Questions to Live Authentically
What is lighting me up at the moment?
How would I like my life to look?
What energizes me?
What beliefs will support me?
What are my core values?
What does my ideal day look like?
What’s a controversial belief or value I have?
Who and/or what is holding me back from who I truly am?
Am I still defining myself based on something that happened in the past?
Do the people in my life help me evolve?
What does my dream life look like?
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XO, M 💋
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