
Hi Beautiful Soul!
I’m Michelle,
Hi Beautiful Soul! I’m Michelle, a Spiritual Neuro-Coach + Human Design expert, blogger, digital creator, restaurant owner, twin mompreneur.
My true purpose in life? To help as many people I can, raise their vibration, shift their mindset to align with their authentic self and manifest an extraordinary life.
A little about my journey
I am from Puerto Rico and manifested my move to Miami in 1999 in search of a new beginning.
Back in the 90’s I was supposed to start my medicine career in Neurosurgery, something I loved but was not “in love’ with. I was a great student during my bachelors degree but I knew I wanted to help others so I took basic Psychology classes, however, I felt it was too late to change paths so I decided to move forward with med school.
After graduating and doing an internship at the hospital, I realized I was living completely out of alignment, following a path that was conditioned and not connected to my true self. I knew I loved Neuroscience, but I did not see myself as a Surgeon in a hospital. I knew I had a higher purpose and needed to find what it was.
In 1999, one year after graduating and after traveling a bit testing different cities, I sold everything and move to Miami. I felt in my body that this was the city I wanted to live in. I truly leaped in hope that I would find my way.
After moving to Miami I wanted to experiment with all things that made me happy in an attempt to reconnect to my authentic self. Since medicine was all I knew, I had to start over, forcing myself to stretch my beliefs and adapt to my new life.
That lead me to have a career as a waitress, pastry chef, bartender, all the hats you can think of in tv production, producer in TV/Film, event coordinator, copywriter, brand & marketing director and finally Real Estate Agent which lead me to Small Business Ownership (Restaurants).
It has been an amazing ride and I am still active as a Small Business Owner and love it. However, through the decades (starting in my late teens) there was always a voice inside me telling me I had a bigger purpose.
In Miami through all my experiences I kept my spirituality a priority. I use vision boards, meditated and read all about quantum leap, rewiring the subconscious and manifested an amazing life, an amazing husband, great friendships but still not an aligned career.

A Challenging Moment that Shifted Everything
After 7 years of being together, my husband and I decided to have a baby. We tried for a year and nothing. We decided to go to the fertility doctor and long story short, we did 2 procedures IVF (a medical procedure whereby an egg is fertilized by sperm in a test tube or elsewhere outside the body) and ICSI (a tiny needle, called a micropipette, is used to inject a single sperm into the center of the egg)
I looked at my vision board everyday and was so happy to see that I manifested my pregnancy procedure. It was all great, until it was not.
The day my embryos got transferred, I went into cardiac arrest. I was out for hours. My husband was crying helpless. We had ZERO family in Miami. When I got up from that hospital bed, the nurse screamed surprised that I was alive. Needless to say my IVF doctor did not leave my sight for the entire 24 hours I had to stay in the hospital.
My pregnancy went from bad to worse after that. I lost the triplet at 4 months. She just didn’t want to come to earth. And I was bed ridden for the rest of my pregnancy with many visits to the ER.
Through this difficult process I kept my faith in the Divine order of God. I trusted the process, I did many visualizations and meditations, always trusting that my other babies were going to live. I use every tool I knew to kept me in High Vibrational Frequency.
At five and half months my body started shutting down. Premature contractions kicked in. The meds to control it gave me all the side effects possible and my heart was taking a toll. The visits to the hospital were more frequent, until at 6 months, I was officially a resident of the maternity floor in Mt. Sinai.
During that month, my body and some of my organs started to shut down. I had to breath with a respirator, couldn’t take a shower without supervision, develop all the complications you can think of, including a rare liver disease that my doctors couldnt figure out and try to treat it and my body did not respond well to the treatment, almost killing me. Few days after, I started noticing that my urine was turning from yellow to red very quickly, which called for concern.
Still friend, even though this was a moment of fear, I was hopeful, with faith, never losing sight of the outcome: my two babies!
One Sunday morning ( at 7 months) my doctor enter the room to let me and my husband know that he had to perform an emergency C-Section because if not, I could die and so the babies.
And voila! That’s how I had my children! But the story does not end there.
After I gave birth, I couldn’t see the babies for 3-4 days due to complications with my C-Section. And it was a way for the Universe to give me a pause.
The babies were born with lots of complications and taken to the NICU immediately. My husband cried and cried because they were full of needles everywhere. The incubator was completely closed. When I finally went to see them I couldn’t even touch them.
You know that urgency that a mom has to nurture the baby? Well, I had it but couldn’t fulfill it.
I sat in between those incubators for 3 weeks praying for the girls, I wrote prayers in construction paper and tape them on each incubator, I added stickers. I was only able to see them during visit hours. It was painful to my heart. This was the first time I really broke down crying uncontrollably, rivers of tears down my face.
Until the doctor told me I was able to take one of them home, Sofia. And I said “No Way, Valentina cannot surivive without her sister, her aura and energy is what keeps Valentina going, so please find a way for Sofia to stay until Valentina is ready to come home too”.
I’m sure the doctor had seen me praying, talking to the girls, sitting between those incubators for all those weeks, and he agreed to keep Sofia.
You see friend, I do believe we are energy, I believe the twins had a reason beyond our 3D world to stay together, to support each other during that time. Sofia gave Valentina strength to survive that moment, my prayers and faith also gave them strength.
One week after that, I was able to take both home. It was the happiest day of my life. My miracle babies, my treasures were home. So we decided purposefully that I was to leave my Real Estate practice for a while and become a stay at home mom. Which is what I wanted from the moment I planned the pregnancy.
I stayed until they went to pre-school at 3 years, doing part time Real Estate until I recently retired to pursue my soul purpose career.

I live with my wonderful husband and twin daughters in Miami. We are a multicultural family (Italian-Puertorrican) that loves music, to travel & enjoy new experiences, all things Halloween and Christmas, sharing our life with friends and family and giving love to our dog Coco.
I believe when you raise your vibe and align with your authentic self, you can manifest the life you are meant to live: infinite, limitless, and abundant of it all.
Let’s unlock your next level together!
I am grateful you are here in my little cyber space, I hope you stay!
XO, M 💋
Certified: Life & Spiritual Coach, Neuro Coach & Human Design
Get to Know Me
Human Design: Pure Generator, 2/4 Profile, Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 4
Astrology: Sagittarius with Taurus rising & Moon in Aries | Life Path 9 (27/9)
IVF Warrior: I had a very rough pregnancy and let’s just say I am grateful to be alive, and although I lost one of the triplets, God blessed me with two amazing daughters that I love with all my heart.
Daily Must: morning warm water with lemon-tumeric-ginger, antioxidant green smoothie, lymphatic massage, exercise, meditation, frequency sounds, coffee (cuban or italian)
Favorite things to do: anything spiritual, writing, reading, listening to music from jazz to lounge, traveling the world, exploring Miami & spending time with family & friends.
Drink of Choice: Champagne, Barolo or Scotch neat
Guilty Pleasures: Slow mornings, french fries and peanut M&M’s